- General Assembly 
- Economic and General Affairs Committee (EGAC) 
- Technical and Reception Control Committee (TRCC) 
- Board of Directors (BOD) 
- Presidium 
- CIBE staff | | 

| The Presidium debates and guides the main issues relating to management and policy definition. Members of the Presidium are elected for two years, renewable. | |  The CIBE Presidium consists of: President | Eric LAINÉ (FR) | First Vice-President | Ernst KARPFINGER (AT) | Vice-Presidents | Dirk de LUGT (NL) | | Krzysztof NYKIEL (PL) | | Bernhard CONZEN (DE) | | Marcel JEHAES (BE) | | Jørn DALBY (DK) | | Michael SLY (UK) | Director | Elisabeth LACOSTE (CIBE) |
