

Representing European sugar beet growers since 1927, promoting a sustainable EU sugar beet sector

We foster collaboration and knowledge exchange among members, providing data-driven insights and platforms for innovation. Our core mission is to defend growers’ income, to strengthen the EU sugar beet sector's competitiveness while promoting technical progress, innovation, environmental responsibility and long-term sustainability.

Our tasks include:

Sustainable Production:

  • Monitoring agronomic issues concerning sugar beet growing,
      • Communicating agricultural practices that promote soil health and biodiversity.
      • Tracking developments in environmental issues and the regulatory frameworks for Plant Protection Products (PPPs).

    Data-driven Decision Making:

    • Establishing statistics, updates and annual reports on the harvest and beet campaign results, Interprofessional Agreements, analysis of sugar, ethanol and co-product markets,
    • Monitoring technical and economic issues linked to the harvest, transport and reception of beet,

    Economic analysis and Policy advocacy:

    • Advocating for a robust Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) that ensures resilience and encourages responsible production practices.
    • Advocating for a robust Common Market Organisation (CMO) that establishes and reinforces the conditions for competitiveness
    • Monitoring trade agreements and WTO negotiations to ensure fair trading conditions which include sustainable and environmental provisions.
    • Monitoring the potential for non-food and renewable energy applications for beet and co-products and advocating to unlock the regulatory framework for bioenergy and biofuels.

    This comprehensive approach ensures the EU sugar beet sector thrives within an environmentally and economically sustainable  framework.




    We believe in the power of cooperation to achieve shared sustainability goals across the entire value chain.


    To foster a greener future for sugar beet we work with members and industry partners like CEFS (European Committee of Sugar Manufacturers) to establish common positions that prioritise sustainable practices.

    In 2013 we created the "EU Beet Sugar Sustainability Partnership" alongside CEFS and EFFAT (European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism Trade Unions) to promote environmentally responsible sugar beet cultivation.


    Knowledge sharing is vital. Therefore,  CIBE actively participate in the International Institute for Beet Research (IIRB) and exchange knowledge with beet research institutes, fostering innovation for sustainable practices.

    Our seat on the Executive Board of the World Association of Beet and Cane Growers (WABCG) allows us to collaborate globally and share best practices for a greener future.


    Finally, CIBE is building bridges with farmers by maintaining close collaboration with COPA-COGECA (European Farmers and Co-operatives) to ensure farmers have the resources and support needed to implement sustainable agricultural practices.


    By working together, we can build a more sustainable future for the sugar beet industry. 


    •  CEFS - Comité Européen des Frabricants de Sucre


    •  ISO - International Sugar Organization


    •  WABCG - World Association of Beet and Cane Growers


    •  IfZ - Institut für Zuckerrübenforschung


    •  NBR - Nordic Beet Research


    •  BBRO - British Beet Research Organisation


    •  ITB - Institut Technique de la Betterave


    •  IRBAB-KBIVB - Institut Royale Belge pour l'Amélioration de la Betterave / Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut tot Verbetering van de Biet (BE)


    •  IRS - Instituut voor Rationele Suikerproduktie (NL)



    •  Semcice - Reparsky Institut Semcice (CZ)


    •  SJT - Sugar Beet Research Center (FI)




    •  Aimcra - Spanish Sugar Beet Research Institute (ES)


    • COPA-COGECA - Copa — European farmers Cogeca — European agri-cooperatives


    •  ePure - The European Renewable Ethanol Association


    •  ebio - European Bioethanol Fuel Association


    •  UIA - Union of International Associations


    •  Zuckerwirtschaft - Wirtschaftliche Vereinigung Zucker Verein der Zuckerindustrie


    •  DG Agri - DG Agriculture of the European Commission