Ahead of the Agri Council meeting on 22-23 March 2021 which will discuss the state of play of the trilogue discussions between the Council, the European Parliament and the Commission, on the CAP reform and in particular on the reform of the CMO Regulation, CIBE would like to express support to the position of the European Parliament on issues in relation to provisions to tackle crisis management, but also its deep concerns vis-à-vis the Council which appears to block progress in these discussions.
On 18 February 2021, the European Commission published a Communication on the new EU Trade Strategy based on openness, sustainability, and assertiveness.
CIBE (International Confederation of European Beet Growers), CEFS (Association of European Sugar Manufacturers), and EFFAT (European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism Trade Unions) welcomed the EU Trade Policy Review and are ready to contribute with their shared expertise in shaping the future trade policy framework for the EU sugar sector.
While discussions on the ratification of the trade agreement between Europe and the Mercosur countries resumed with the launch of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council, Copa-Cogeca, CIBE and AVEChave decided to launch a new campaign on social media to explainconcisely and with concrete examples the fears that this agreementraises in the farming community.
A joint position paper on the increase of the EU Climate Ambition for 2030 in the transport sector.
Consequent with the increased ambitions brought by the European Green Deal, and the objective to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, the European Union (EU) ought to ensure that its 2020 energy and climate objectives are met. On top of this, the European Green Deal proposes that the 2030 objectives be increased.
CIBE has sent a response to the European Commissions Farm to Fork Strategy published in Febuary.
In order to streamline the monitoring of the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on the EU sugar and ethanol markets, CIBE is establishing a regular short market report.
Here the newest update:
Nature and agriculture are intrinsically linked and reinforce each other’s well-being. The agricultural community cannot prosper and deliver quality food if biodiversity is lost, if soils erode and deteriorate and if they suffer the direct consequences of climate change, such as drought for example.
The EU Farm to Fork and Biodiversity Strategy are short of solutions on:
-> the increasing gap between the rapid loss of PPPs and the availability/cost of new tools like NBTs and IPM
-> the increasing burdens for EU growers
-> the lack of a level playing field with 3rd countries.
Targets are not solutions!
In order to streamline the monitoring of the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on the EU sugar and ethanol markets, CIBE is establishing a regular short market report.
Here the newest update: