After 24 years as Director of CGB, Alain Jeanroy will retire at the end of 2016. He started at CGB’s economic service from 1983 to 1989, then worked as Director of the AGPM (General Association of French Maize Producers) before reintegrating CGB in 1993 as Director.
It will be the opportunity to address two major issues for the sector: the first quota-free campaign and risk management in the context of the future CAP 2020.
Read more on the European Innovation Partnership 'Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability' (EIP-AGRI) website
« A national interprofessional agreement and a standard contract: yes but with appropriate content! »
The Polish sugar beet Association KZPBC organised a Conference in Poznan, Poland, regarding the perspectives of sugar beet.
Other campaign starts as expected during the next two weeks. Across the Nordzucker Group, the Campaign begins: average yields and shorter processing times are expected.
«Rettet den Schweizer Zucker» – dies forderten gegen 2000 Rübenpflanzer auf einem Feld bei Kirchberg (BE). Sie glauben, dass durch ungünstige Marktverhältnisse der Zuckeranbau in der Schweiz gefährdet ist.
Réuni en Conseil d'Administration le Jeudi 27 Août, les Planteurs de betteraves ont constaté une rémunération des betteraves sucrières pour la récolte 2014 en forte diminution liée à la chute du prix du sucre dans l'Union européenne, provoquée par les mesures exceptionnelles d'importation prises par la Commission de Bruxelles.
Landwirtschaftsministerium NRW fördert praxisnahes Forschungsprojekt